Please fill fraud information details in the below fields. This message will be sent to our service center to take the needed action.
Use of this section is for reporting allegations of fraud ONLY. All allegations remain confidential. Messages regarding case specific inquiries and non-fraud inquiries, must be sent to the email or contact RSC MENA hotlines (Jordan: +962 793206130; India: +91 9811739216; Egypt: +20 2 19472). You may access your RefInfo account to check your case status. Our services are offered Free of Charge. Do not pay for anyone who claims that they can fast-track or influence the processing of your case. No contact is made through social media platforms (i.e., WhatsApp, Facebook etc.).
Following the U.S. President’s Executive Order on Realigning the United States Refugee Admissions Program, the activities of the Program have been suspended. We are unable to respond to inquiries at this time. This includes both general and case-specific inquiries. We sincerely apologize for this inconvenience. IOM has been advised that no individual or entity has the ability to move, fast track or influence the processing of a case. Please exercise caution if someone approaches you promising resettlement
IOM Jordan provides information on its assistance and services on its official website and verified social media accounts only. We do not maintain, endorse or take responsibility for the content or information on any kind of activities or humanitarian aid projects made available by external web users through any digital platform except the officially verified IOM social media pages and the official website
IOM strongly advises the public to be cautious of fraudulent activities that falsely claim association with IOM. IOM recommends caution when engaging with organizations on social media and to avoid sharing personal information and details. Any transfer of personal information or money to those issuing unofficial channels could result in identity theft, financial loss and other damages. IOM shall not be held liable for any claims, pertaining to fraudulent schemes including but not limited to claims resulting from theft, loss or damage.
In case you encounter such content or any suspected fraudulent activity, please report these situations to:
Please note that all resettlement services are free of charge.
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